无论是在教室里还是在实验室里, 无论是在舞台上还是在运动场上, 电子游戏软件每天都有神奇的事情发生. We’re here to help you share them with the world through print, digital, or web communications. 在大学传播办公室, we turn 教师 research into placements in traditional and social media, 把学生的成就做成病毒视频. Our comprehensive news coverage shines a light on every corner of campus, 我们的网络, 设计服务, 营销团队将新项目和新举措变为现实.
设计 & 品牌管理
Our team of graphic designers creates a wide array of marketing materials from banners and 宣传册 to e-时事通讯 and digital assets.
An attention-grabbing email newsletter is one example of the high-quality content marketing we produce. Our team of marketing professionals manages various campaigns, including print, email, and digital.
新闻 & 媒体关系
Our internal editorial team and media relations professionals can write news stories or pitch newsworthy items to print, 广播, 还有网络记者.
Building and engaging the BC community in meaningful and strategic ways: That's what we do with every post, 推特, 或通过大学的官方社交渠道观看视频.
一个充满活力的网站是一个组织的面孔. We help you make a compelling first impression for your 部门, school, or division.
作为营销和传播的中心办公室, the 大学传讯处 serves as the primary steward of the 电子游戏软件 brand. We maintain a branding site for BC community members that provides guidelines on the BC visual identity and other branding elements.
We connect 出版物 around the world with BC 教师 who are renowned experts in their fields. BC大学教师专业领域包括:
退休 & 老化
Alicia Munnell
拉美裔人 & 天主教会
Hosffman Ospino
慈善事业、地产、 & 税
公开大学维护电子游戏软件活动日历, 宣传校园讲座的资源, 讨论, 音乐会, 研讨会, 表演, 以及通过大学社区组织的其他活动.
输入事件, BC community members can click “submit an event” on the BC events webpage and specify the event name, 描述, 位置, 和时间. Multiple filters such as event type and audience type can be added to sort the event. 通过选择一个网页过滤器, 事件将自动出现在学校, 部门, 或办公网站,以提高知名度.
Media representatives must request access to campus in advance by calling the 大学传讯处 at (617) 552-3350. OUC will notify the appropriate campus gate attendant of your arrival and direct you to available parking.
不时地, media agencies request the use of a 电子游戏软件 campus setting for an external video or photography project, 或使用校园照片或图像, 商标或其他可识别的材料(服装), 三角旗, 出版物, 等.)用于商业或娱乐制作.
- 一份书面 意向书 必须提交给大学传播办公室 之前 允许这样的使用. 这封信必须包括有关请求地点的信息, 日期, 次, length and number of people and vehicles to be involved in the proposed project (if applicable), 将使用的与不列颠哥伦比亚省有关的材料清单, 以及项目本身及其预期用途的详细描述.
- If the 大学传讯处 approves an on-campus project, 请求者必须提交一个 保险证明书 和适当的 发布形式. The shoot will not be allowed to take place unless this material is received in advance of the proposed date.
- The requester will be required to pay for any 电子游戏软件-related materials needed for the project, as well as any overtime or miscellaneous expenses incurred by the University in connection with the shoot. 如果是商业企业,可能需要按日收取场地费.
- Requests for projects that interfere with the University's academic enterprise or student life 不会被批准.
- 由于请求的数量 学生项目大学 does not grant 位置 requests that are not directly affiliated with 电子游戏软件 随堂作业.
- 希望使用电子游戏软件名称的申请者, 昵称, 拍摄时的建筑物或单位名称, videotaping and/or photographing the University campus for commercial and/or entertainment purposes may do so only with the approval of the Office of the President (to be arranged through the 大学传讯处.) At no other time may 电子游戏软件 be identified in the finished product.
- The complete University policy on use of 电子游戏软件 facilities for filming, videotaping and still photography for commercial and entertainment purposes is available at 政策及程序网站.
For additional information please contact the 大学传讯处 at (617) 552-3350.
The University allows wedding photography for 校友 on campus during the weekend. This is to ensure that the photo shoot is as minimally intrusive as possible to students, 教师, 和工作人员.
电子游戏软件's Baldwin is available upon request for parties, business meetings, or special events. 可透过 这里是电子游戏软件体育系.
不列颠哥伦比亚省老鹰队的标志创建于2000年. 主标志是一只鹰和一个连锁的“BC”." The pantone ink colors are maroon 202, gold 4515 and metallic gold 871.
If you have questions about any promotion or use of the BC雄鹰标志, 联系体育营销办公室,电话:617-552-3005或 sprtmrkt@zjhztour.com.
The Office of University Communication has been entrusted with oversight of all public facing websites.
Web design and development is done in-house with occasional support from a vendor.
如果您对流程有疑问,请联系 斯科特Olivieri.
电子游戏软件 is committed to ensuring that all BC web pages are accessible. ITS内部的Web技术组已经创建了详细的文档, 已建立的培训课程, 并购买了软件来协助内容修复过程.
- 网站
- Web内容编辑负责 实现可访问性最佳实践.
- 创建有意义的页面标题
- 使用结构正确的HTML元素
- 为图像提供替代文本
- 使用描述性链接
- 添加adobereader Link
- 添加Word文档查看器链接
- Web内容编辑负责 实现可访问性最佳实践.
- 音频/视频
- 视频文件必须包含适当的字幕(见下文)
- 音频脚本应该包含在视频中
- 确保可访问的媒体播放器技术可用
- 视频文件必须包含适当的字幕(见下文)
- 文档
- 文书处理软件, EPUB and PDF documents should be aligned with standards and created using best practices such as use of headings, 正确使用表格, 项目符号列表, 高对比度的字体和颜色以及格式之间的适当转换.
Federal Law and 电子游戏软件 require that any public-facing online video content produced by University 教师 or staff must be closed captioned. 这包括发布在电子游戏软件网站上的任何视频, 英国广播公司相关网站, 或任何相关的社交媒体网站,如Facebook, 推特, YouTube或Vimeo.
为了满足联邦政府的要求, both pre-recorded and live video streams need to be professionally captioned. Captioning through an auto-captioning system (such as what you'll find on YouTube) does not meet federal guidelines.
To change your mailing address on file for print 出版物, contact univcommunications.contact@zjhztour.com.